Thursday, February 25, 2010

Another Snow Day!

The boys and I went sledding and played in the snow. Snow Day, No School and as you can see it doesn't take much snow for New York to cancel school. We had a great day!

Monday, February 22, 2010

For school the boys went on a field trip to the Corning Glass Musuem. They had such a great time that when Grandma Parry came to visit they wanted to take her. The musuem is really neat. I especially liked the demonstration on how hot glass is made into a pitcher.
Grandma Parry came to visit for a week and we "ALL" loved it. We hope she comes back soon!

No School Snow Day

Tyler kept coming inside and asking me to come take his picture.

Snow Day is a normal
occurance in New York, but you better hurry and go play in it because within a few hours the snow is ice.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

My sister toke these pictures
and did such a great job!
Now if we can only get
Spencer to agree to be in
some pictures.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Hill Cumorah Visitors Center

One of the great things about living in New England is the church history. The drive from our house up to Palmyra toke about 90 minutes and the drive was really neat. We found a lot of places we want to visit and spend time including Watkins Glen which has some incredible water falls. The exhibit we went to see at the Hill Cumorah Visitors Center was entitled "The Healing Power of Jesus Christ" and included original sculptures depicting scriptual scenes from the Saviors Life.

These are only a few of what we saw.
There is no way to capture in pictures how incredible these were. This one is entitled Gethsemane.

Chocolate Fountain

About 4 years ago we started a tradition of doing our chocolate fountain on New Years. The boys love this and I just love watching the mess they make, that is until I have to clean it up. There was just the five of us this year since we have just moved to New York and didn't know anyone to invite over but we still had a great time.

Playing in the Snow

Tyler was so excited to help his brother Blake build a snowman. He was a big help pushing the snow around. He keeps looking out our window to make sure the snowman is still there.

Bradley, Tyler, and Blake enjoying the New England snow.